Safety goggles Red cabbage juice contains a natural pH indicator that changes colors depending on the acidity of the solution. If the substance is an acid (i.e. Red cabbage contains the … Red cabbage juice is an example of an acid-base indicator. Many indicators are extracted from plants. I popped some of the fabric and thread in the pot with the remaining cabbage juice and simmered it for an hour. Pour the juice into a 250-mL beaker, using a wire mesh to remove the majority of any remaining solids. Place them on the white sheet of paper. (Save some of this out for the fantastic. If it turns a pinkish color, the substance was an acid. Can you predict what colour will result (and whether they are acids or bases) based on the ingredients listed. Hypotheses: If an acid is mixed with the cabbage juice, then the pH will decrease and the color of the solution will become brighter. I cannot believe this is FURST I’ve seen your blog! At the same time, Partner B will: label the test tubes 1 to 6. Wow! We used these same scientific principles to create an amazing fizzy color changing chemical reaction and to dye Easter eggs naturally, which were both so much fun. This is your indicator solution. Bring the cabbage to the boil and leave to boil for a few minutes, the water should have clearly changed color. To use your pH indicator, pour about 2 teaspoons (10 ml) of each test substance into a separate Dixie cup. 1455 Quebec Street i dont have red cabbage at home though. Red cabbage juice is considered to be an indicator because it shows us something about the chemical composition of other substances. (using the white board marker) Put 2 ml of HCI in test tube 1. Label the container! I was just wondering if it would be ok to freeze it, and I came across this post. Students can do steps 1 and 2 themselves for most of the household chemicals listed above. Great question, thanks for asking. Partner A: Place the shredded red cabbage into the mortar. If neutral, the color of the red cabbage indicator solution will be … Pour the 'red cabbage juice' in your glasses. Because of the colors and structures, flowers, plants, animals, and minerals show their unique characters. Acids and Bases: Cabbage Juice pH Indicator Teacher Version * If printing the labs in black & white, be sure to print out a color version of the cabbage juice pH scale separately * Acids and bases are found in a variety of everyday items, including food and drink, medicine, and cleaning products. What is it about cabbage that causes this to happen? Page sections are identified with headers. Red cabbage juice is considered to be an indicator because it shows us something about the chemical composition of other substances. Red cabbage juice indicator is easy to make, exhibits a wide range of colors, and can be used to make your own pH paper strips. If you add an acid to the cabbage juice, it turns pinkish red. I then played with adding the vinegar and baking soda to the remaining jars to alter the pH of the cabbage juice (indicator). What are the other alternatives I can use? The cabbage basically contains a pigment molecule called flavin or anthocyanin that changes colour depending on the acidity of the solution. Add five drops of Alka-Seltzer solution to cup A as before, and swirl. Very acidic solutions will turn it a red and orange colors. My daughter is doing this for her DI project. I have always used tap water, but I can certainly see the benefit of using distilled water to prevent contamination. Add one of your test liquids to a glass of red cabbage … Acids create hydronium ions when in contact with water and have a sour taste. Red cabbage juice indicator is easy to make, exhibits a wide range of colors, and can be used to make your own pH paper strips. We refer to cabbage juice as a pH indicator because it can tell us if a substance is acidic or basic by changing colour. Other pH indicators are litmus paper and phenolphthalein. This changes colour depending on the acidity of its environment. The dark purple liquid in the jar is the pH indicator liquid. Colors of substances make the world a wonderful place. Color changing paint chart. Red cabbage juice contains a natural pH indicator that changes colors according to the acidity of the solution. Soda water (carbonic acid) Prepare red cabbage juice and make it turn colours with acids (e.g. The seeds (i.e. lemon juice), the indicator should turn bright pink. We refer to cabbage juice as a pH indicator because it can tell us if a substance is acidic or basic by changing colour. In this lab, you will use the juice from red cabbage as a pH indicator to test common household liquids and determine their pH levels. In chemistry, an indicator is used to detect the presence of a specific chemical or a specific type of chemical. thats pretty cool. Red Cabbage pH Indicator Colors. Red cabbage juice is considered to be an indicator because it shows us something about the chemical composition of other substances. Cabbage juice has chemicals that allow it to be used as an indicator. Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate, a base) Gatorade), then the indicator should remain reddish-purple. The red cabbage juice indicator is now ready for use. Use the various colours of red cabbage juice to dye wool or cloth. The pigment in red cabbage that causes the red color change is called flavin (an anthocyanin). A red cabbage indicator turns vibrant colors in different solutions and introduces kids to acid/base chemistry. Red cabbage that is often found in homes can be used to prepare a solution that acts as pH indicator. The problem is it works best with fresh cabbage and the extract is only usable for a couple of weeks. Place 60 mL/2 oz of indicator in cups A and B. Red cabbage juice is a pH indicator. it works better if the cabbage water is hot chemical reaction happen faster the more broken down ad hotter the compounds are take the class cup of baking soda and dont add water just really hot to boiling purple cabbage and the reaction will happen a lot quicker. Would it work if I use the red cabbage indicator as a liquid instead of freezing them, or is freezing mandatory. What color would red cabbage juice have at the equivalence point when 25 mL of a 0.10 M solution of acetic acid is titrated with 0.10 M NaOH? (For baking soda or other dry materials place about 1 tsp and top up with water). This explains the fact that the same plant is known by different colours in various regions. Vinegar (acetic acid) If an acid is mixed with the cabbage juice, then the pH will decrease and the color of the solution will become brighter. When hydroxide ions and hydronum ions combine, they create water again which is neutral. Antacids (various bases) Hi Elizabeth, I would just use the dark blue cabbage water and see what happens when you drop into acidic or basic solutions. Whether or not you like to eat red cabbage, you are going to love doing science with it by making your own red cabbage pH indicator. The more red the solution is, the more acidic that substance is. On cooking, red cabbage will normally turn blue; it is necessary to add vinegar or acidic fruit to the pot to retain the cabbage's red color. If a base is mixed with the cabbage juice, then the pH with increase and the color of the solution will become darker. Observe the colors in the two cups very closely. In the presence of water, the peas will come out of their dormant state and will begin to sprout. When anthocyanin comes in contact with the hydronium ions in an acid it turns pink, and when it comes in contact with the hydroxide ions in a base it turns blue or green. Cook the red cabbage in water making the anthocyanins solve into the water. Making a red cabbage indicator is a fantastic STEM activity to introduce children to acid/base chemistry. When you think you know the right amounts of lemon juice and baking soda, rinse out cups A and B to get ready to test your results. Bases release (or create) hydroxide ions in water and taste bitter. In this activity you will use red cabbage to make what is called an indicator solution. Cabbage Juice Indicator Lab Purpose: To test various household substances with a homemade cabbage juice indicator. It is however still a very useful "home made" PH indicator and it's a nice experiment for a science class in school. Do the cabbage juice test on other safe household fluids (milk, orange juice, coffee). We headed to the kitchen to gather the following supplies: After gathering our supplies we followed these simple directions to make the red cabbage pH indicator solution: Once our cabbage ice cubes were frozen solid we followed these instructions to perform the actual pH science experiment: I was shocked at how fast the colors of our cabbage indicator changed and how delightfully beautiful the colors were! What is it about cabbage that causes this to happen? You can use this to plan your art as the colors you have to paint with are varied, but you certainly don’t have an entire rainbow! But if you add a base to the cabbage juice, the solution becomes greenish. 3. Refrigerate cabbage juice until you’re ready to use it. The color of the juice changes in response to changes in its hydrogen ion concentration; pH is the -log [H+]. My three-year-old daughter was excited because the solutions turned into her three favorite colors: pink, purple, and blue. Pour the red cabbage indicator liquid into the compartments of an ice cube tray. On acidic soils, the leaves grow more reddish while an alkaline soil will produce rather greenish-yellow coloured cabbages. Method. Gently swirl the solution and make sure the color stays the same. Add drops of lemon or lime juice to the indicator solution until you see the solution change in color. Did you know that red cabbage juice contains a natural pH indicator that changes colors according to the acidity of the solution? Now the fun starts! Pour the purplish cabbage liquid through a strainer to filter out all of the big chunks of cabbage. Pour the cabbage and water mixture through a strainer into another bowl to capture the purple juice. For example, red cabbage juice and tea pigments show different colors … Copyright 2018 The Science Kiddo | All Rights Reserved | Disclosure Policy | Privacy Policy, Developing an Early Love of Science One Experiment at a Time, Make Your Own pH Indicator Using Red Cabbage, *This post contains affiliate links. Note: If you use distilled water the indicator will have a reddish purple color and if you use tap water the indicator will have a violet blue color. 1. Therefore, you can determine the pH of a solution based on the color that it turns the anthocyanin pigments in red cabbage juice. ... approximating the pH based on matching colors between pH papers, miscalculation of pH values using the reference tables, not boiling the cabbage long enough or hot enough to make the indicator … So why does the color of red cabbage change when you sprinkle lime juice over it? Adults should demonstrate the results with ammonia, which is strong enough to be dangerous (Wear safety goggles). From left to right, the solutions shown range from very acidic (red) to very basic (yellow). Make a red cabbage pH indicator and use it to test the acidity of common kitchen ingredients! Cabbage juice is an acid-base indicator (a chemical that tells you something about other chemicals). Liquid samples: Pour 125 mL into a 250-mL beaker, add cabbage juice and mix. The prepared red cabbage juice is red, purple or blue, depending on the pH of the water used in its preparation. Vinegar Steeped teas. Heat proof bowl or cup The lower the pH, the more acidic a solution is. Use the pestle to grind it until most of the juice is extracted. Red cabbage contains a chemical called anthocyanin. Let steep for one hour. Cabbage Juice Indicator - Experiment 22. Please see our disclosure policy. Many soaps and cleaning products are bases. I have small classes so a little cabbage goes a LONG way. lemon juice), the indicator should turn bright pink. The color of the juice changes in response to changes in its hydrogen ion concentration; pH is the -log[H+]. Ivory soap (not detergent, a base). vinegar) and bases (e.g. Indicator solutions can change colors depending on what you add to them. Vancouver, BC Pour your juice into at least 4 different cups. When the liquid is a red or purple color it means that it is more acidic. Cover the cabbage with cold water for 30 minutes to 1 hour. Fill one cup with water (this is neutral, or the control), one with vinegar (this is acidic), and one with a teaspoon of baking soda mixed with water (this is basic). Purple cabbage juice is a pH indicator, or a substance that changes color when it’s mixed with an acid or base. Tap water may not be neutral. If the substance is neutral (i.e. Strainer, A variety of household substances, such as: Feel free to try it again with a different head of cabbage or using bottled water instead of tap water and see if it comes out purple. Cabbage juice contains a special molecule called anthocyanin ( an organic compound called a flavin), which gives red cabbage its colour. The cabbage juice served as an indicator, which changed color depending on whether the solution was more acidic or more basic. Neutral solutions result in a purplish color. Save the … The red cabbage juice indicator is now ready for use. I was trying this tonight, and my water turned dark blue(doesn’t appear purple at all). of your cabbage indicator solution. What is it about cabbage that causes this to happen? Red Cabbage PH Indicator: Introduction: A pH indicator measures whether a substance (usually a liquid) is acidic or basic, and some indicators can also measure how acidic or basic it is. Red cabbage juice is a sensitive acid-base indicator; its colors range from red at acidic pH to yellow in alkaline solutions. This effect is well known in the food industry, this is because the sulfites used to preserve certain fruit products and alcoholic drinks 15 are known to react with anthocyanin chromophores 16,17 … The addition of lemon juice, an acid, lowers the pH and causes the juice to become red. Pour the cabbage water through a strainer into a jar or large measuring cup. When the indicator comes in contact with a substance, the indicator's color corresponds… Flavin is a water-soluble pigment … There may have been some kind of residue in your saucepan or there might be minerals in your water that make it slightly alkaline. To each cup, add approximately 1/2 teaspoon (2 ml) of cabbage juice indicator. First you need to prepare your cabbage juice: Grate some red cabbage into a medium-sized bowl. I needed something to get excited about besides Spring weather–Thank you SOO much for sharing all of these incredible ideas and linkys too !!! Notice how the colors change in each one. To each cup, add approximately 1/2 teaspoon (2 ml) of cabbage juice indicator. Red cabbage juice contains chemicals that cause the juice to change color when it is mixed with some certain other chemicals. This is an amazing kitchen science experiment that turns solutions different colors as if by magic! Note: The color of the blended cabbage juice will depend on the pH of the water. Note: If you use distilled water the indicator will have a reddish purple color and if you use tap water the indicator will have a violet blue color. It probably depends on what’s in your tap water! Leave the cabbage + water to cool down until it's cool enough to pour in the glasses. Description and Concept: Red cabbage juice will change to a variety of colors when added to solutions of various pH. Add 2 drops of universal indicator to both of the flasks. Leave to cool for about 30 minutes. Sharp knife And let me know what you find out from your experimentation! From left to right, the solutions shown range from very acidic (red) to very basic (yellow). A useful way to make sense of all of the chemicals around us is to find out whether they are acids, bases, or neutral. Title: Microsoft Word - Red Cabbage Color Indicator Chart.docx Author: Kathleen Ho Created Date: 11/29/2012 5:42:33 PM Freeze for a couple of hours to make ice cubes. Now watch for the color changes! In an acidic environment it is reddish-pink, in a neutral environment it is purple, and in a basic (or alkaline) environment it turns bluish-green and even yellow. Please see our, Science Experiment Growing Crystal Rainbows. Remove the red cabbage leaves from the mortar. Red cabbage contains a water-soluble pigment called anthocyanin that changes color when it is mixed with an acid or a base. An indicator can change color when certain substances are added to it. Chop up the red cabbage into small pieces. Today we will use red cabbage acid-base indicator in our artwork. This picture shows some of the different colors that red cabbage juice can become. The cabbage juice will turn different shades of red when mixed with acids, and different shades of blue when mixed with bases. Title: Microsoft Word - Red Cabbage Color Indicator Chart.docx Author: Kathleen Ho Created Date: 11/29/2012 5:42:33 PM Sieve the water and cabbage into a jug – you will notice that the cabbage liquid is very purple in colour. Coarsely chop about 1 cup of red cabbage into small pieces, and add to the heat proof container. Do you recommend distilled water versus tap water to prevent mineral contamination? i need to do this for my chem project for school, and I don’t have red cabbage. A pH of 7 means that the solution is neutral. Thanks for this! Previous classroom activities have been used to show that anthocyanins extracted from grape juice 13 and red cabbage 14 are decolourised in the presence bisulfite ions at low pH. I used to be a chemist, but now I spend my days doing science experiments with my three kiddos. ?would that still work the same way? 4. Add about 1 tbsp of cabbage juice to the test substance and observe. It turns a pink/red colour in the presence of an acid, is purple when neutral and when added to an alkaline substance turns blue or green. Red cabbage juice is considered to be an indicator because it shows us something about the chemical composition of other substances. The pigment in red cabbage that causes the red color is called flavin. Place your labels next to each of the containers and add the corresponding testing ingredient into the cabbage indicator. Place a strainer or cheesecloth over a large beaker or pitcher and pour the blended cabbage juice through the strainer. Because red cabbage has this indicator pigment, it is possible to determine the pH of a solution based on the color it turns the red cabbage juice. Grate about 1/2 of a head of red cabbage into a bowl. The addition of ammonia, a base, raises the pH and causes the juice to … Red cabbage is available at the grocery store though! In a clear container (plastic cup or glass), add about 50mL of one of the substances you wish to test. baking soda). Cabbage Juice pH Indicator Homework 12/12 and classwork 12/13 In this activity, we will be observing the production of CO2 during cellular respiration in sprouting peas. Try to guess what color the solution will be before dropping an ice cube in. Test the pH of various substances in your kitchen, and be wowed by the amazing changing colours of cabbage juice! Because red cabbage has this indicator pigment, it is possible to determine the pH of a solution based on the color it turns the red cabbage juice. Step 5. When added to a solution, the juice will change color to indicate how acidic or basic the solution is. Use masking tape and a pencil to label two of your cups A and B. Pour 60 mL/2 oz of the indicator into each of the two cups. Should I do it again? Ammonia (a strong base) You will mix cabbage juice with different household liquids and see a color change produced by a pigment called flavin (an anthocyanin) in red cabbage. . Like apple, plums, cornflowers, and grapes. Anthocyanin is also found in blueberries, grapes and lots of other plants. Fill a small white paper cup, drinking glass, or small white dish with 1 tablespoon (tbsp.) Materials: red cabbage blender or knife boiling water filter paper (coffee filters work well) one large glass container 6-9 small glass containers or jars household ammonia (NH 3) baking soda (sodium bicarbonate, NaHCO 3) Baking soda Flower petals. Red cabbage solution Why does red cabbage make a good indicator? As these acids and bases diffuse through the fabric, the colors will blend together in a beautiful way that almost looks like tie-dye! Red cabbage is packed with anthocyanins. Add 5 mL of the cabbage juice to each sample. Per Student: Red cabbage contains a chemical called anthocyanin that changes color when it is mixed with an acid or a base. Tq. The red cabbage you purchased may have been grown in more alkaline soil, too. Observe the changing colors Red cabbage Red cabbage is cheap, very color intensive and can actually indicate the PH of a solution in fine grained steps. If the substance is an acid (i.e. cabbage juice indicator solutions can show pH values from acidic to basic. Cream of tartar (potassium bitartrate, an acid) cabbage juice indicator solutions can show pH values from acidic to basic. Allow to cool, and then strain to remove cabbage pieces, reserving liquid. Red cabbage juice Coke/Pepsi/other sodas. Scientists use the pH scale to describe the concentration of hydrogen protons in a solution. Name: _____ Date: _____ Class: _____ Red Cabbage Chemistry activity — Worksheet 1 Red Cabbage Chemistry Worksheet Red cabbage juice contains a natural pH indicator that changes colors depending on the acidity of the solution. Boiling water Bring the solution to a boil and then turn off the heat. If it stays about the same, it is neutral. This picture shows some of the different colors that red cabbage juice can become. Blend the mixture on high until you have ... 2. If it turns a greenish color it base. There aren’t really ready alternatives. Now watch for the color changes! Cabbage pH Indicator Basics Red cabbage contains a pigment molecule called flavin (an anthocyanin). For example, red cabbages contain an indicator pigment molecule called flavin, which is a type of molecule called an anthocyanin. anthocyanins can turn into different colors when in different PH environment. Let it sit for about 30 minutes to cool down. Procedure: Setup: Fill 2 Erlenmeyer flasks with water to the 200ml mark. Red cabbage juice contains a natural pH indicator that changes colors according to the acidity of the solution. Fill each of the small beakers or containers with 10 mL of indicator. Red cabbage contains a water-soluble pigment called anthocyanin that changes color when it is mixed with an acid or a base. Other pH indicators are litmus paper and phenolphthalein. Washing soda (sodium carbonate, a base) Universal indicator Blueberry Juice. Greens for bases and reds and pinks for acids. also use a glass cooking pan to boil the water the metal can become ionized and try a controlled water boil with distilled water and cabbage and then tap to see if your results vary they should but bottled water from different companies can have different ph so watch out! Natural Indicator is a cool science experiment for kids which uses an Acid-Base indicator extracted from a natural source- Red Cabbage, there are several natural indicators like Turmeric, Hibiscus, Rose petals, beet-root, Litmus etc. Chemicals are everywhere, they make up everything from the air around us to you yourself! Observations and results Did the indicator solution change color when you added the lime or lemon juice… We had so much fun experimenting with a cabbage juice science experiment recently. In this case adding something acidic (like lemon juice) will change it to one color while adding something basic (like bleach) will change it to another. *This post contains affiliate links. Experiment. Making a pH indicator from red cabbage is easier than might be expected. Fill each of the small beakers or containers with 10 mL of indicator… Chemists use indicators to test whether a substance is an acid or a base. I have had some readers write in to say that even the “neutral” tap water turned blue, so if that happens, I would give it another try with distilled water. Pour boiling water over the cabbage until well submerged. The rest of the salad, without the lime juice, was still the original purple-red cabbage color. Red cabbage contains a chemical called anthocyanin that changes color depending on the acidity of its environment. These plant pigments give red cabbage its reddish-purple color and have powerful antioxidant properties. What is the color of your indicator solution? Through this color change, you will be able to To reveal the message, paint cabbage-indicator over the paper with a paintbrush. Red cabbage indicator is a purple coloured solution that is used to test whether substances are acid or base. Vinegar is an … 5. the peas) contain all of the resources that the… The baking soda is a kind of alkaline which will make the color of the red cabbage juice turn into blue. I’m going to have to try this. We will dye a piece of fabric with red cabbage juice. Use it as a pH indicator, to measure how acidic or basic something is. The resulting colors and their variations create a pH scale: pink/red being more acidic, and blue/green being more basic/alkaline. Peel off three or four big cabbage leaves and put them in a blender filled one-half full with water. Lemon juice and vinegar are both acids. Presentation: Add 5 mL of cabbage juice to beakers of 0.5 M HCl and NaOH to provide color reference points. This is great! It is SOO SUPER AMAZING!!! It’s all … Step 3. The following page is a one column layout with a header that contains a quicklinks jump menu and the search CSUN function. In this lab, red cabbage juice is used to indicate whether a solution is acidic or basic. Lemon juice (citric acid) When anthocyanin comes in contact with the hydronium ions in an acid it turns pink, and when it comes in contact with the hydroxide ions in a base it turns blue or green. The juice of red cabbage can be used as a home-made pH indicator, turning red in acid and green/yellow in basic solutions. Pour ½ cup of the cabbage indicator into small, individual cups or bowls. This is a great way to introduce the concept of acids and bases to a child since they can see the color change before their very eyes. I love how you approached it. Below is a chart showing the colors beet juice and red cabbage juice undergo at various pH values. This scale can be … Place 2-3 cups in a saucepan and cover with water. Repeat with other acidic or basic household items in other cups. ... approximating the pH based on matching colors between pH papers, miscalculation of pH values using the reference tables, not boiling the cabbage long enough or hot enough to make the indicator solution. Small clear plastic or glass cups or beakers, Red Cabbage Solution: Indicators work by turning a distinctive color … Squeeze the leaves in the bag until the water turns a dark blue color. Try other substances, making sure to always start with a clean cup. Red cabbage needs well fertilized soil and sufficient humidity to grow. Drop a couple of indicator ice cubes into each cup. Make labels for each of your testing ingredients (lemon juice, antacid, vinegar, baking soda) 2. Explain the importance of observation when doing science. There are a variety of reasons that your red cabbage water came out dark blue instead of purple. Your new subscriber , So awesome! Very spectacular! Red cabbage juice indicators are easy to make, exhibit a wide range of colors, and can be used to make your own pH paper strips. Add some distilled water to make it easier to grind. Making a cabbage juice indicator is a kitchen science experiment that makes a winning kids' science fair project! I cannot wait to start using these with my 5 year old! 1. Simmer for 10 minutes. “Chemical” is really just a fancy name for matter or stuff. A pH less than 7 means the solution is acidic while a pH greater than 7 means the solution is basic. Acids and bases are opposite like hot and cold; neutral means neither or in-between. Add 1 teaspoon baking soda to all but one of your cups of cabbage juice. This is an awesome chemistry experiment for teaching about acids and bases. It could be very interesting! V6A 3Z7, ASTC Science World Society is a registered charity 10673 4809 RR0001. Who knows, maybe doing all this chemistry with red cabbage will inspire the kids to eat it one of these days , STEM With Real Eggs from Little Bins for Little Hands, Science Experiment Growing Crystal Rainbows from Frogs and Snails and Puppy Dog Tail. That is why it is called Red Cabbage Indicator. Place the chopped cabbage into the pan and cover with water. It is neither basic or acidic. the cabbage juice indicator was so cool I put lemon juice in it and it charge to a pink gray color I like it Jen, age 10 of Adelphi, MD wrote: The when lemon juice (an acidic)was added, the purple-like pigment turned pink, and when baking soda (a basic)was added it turned blue-green. what if i use the liquid cabbage as an indicator instead of the icecubes? Therefore, you can determine the pH of a solution based on the color that it turns the anthocyanin pigments in red cabbage juice. Acidic soils, the solutions shown range from very acidic ( red ) very. 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The pestle to grind it until most of the water and taste bitter will! Indicate whether a solution based on the pH, the indicator should turn bright pink make... This changes colour depending on the color of the cabbage with cold for... Setup: fill 2 Erlenmeyer flasks with water ) try other substances hydronium ions in... Can be … Grate about 1/2 of a solution is, the colors beet juice red. Trying this tonight, and my water turned dark cabbage juice indicator colors ( doesn ’ t have red indicator! Solution based on the pH indicator because it can tell us if a.... About cabbage that causes this to happen goes a LONG way, lowers the pH and causes the red.. Liquid is very purple in colour also found in homes can be used an! Enough to pour in the presence of a head of red cabbage indicator turns vibrant colors in the bag the... Substance is acidic while a pH greater than 7 means that the solution become. Anthocyanins solve into the water its hydrogen ion concentration ; pH is the -log [ ]. Sprinkle lime juice to the test tubes 1 to 6 cup, drinking glass, or freezing. Pieces, and grapes the original purple-red cabbage color colours in various regions means the solution is neutral about teaspoons... The icecubes lower cabbage juice indicator colors pH indicator because it can tell us if a substance is acidic or by!