4. I put my arm around her and walked her to the bedroom. Here are some examples. Cynthia reluctantly put the notebook aside and the couple began to carry the fresh baked goods and other breakfast items to the dining room. Brushing her hair until it shined, she put her clothes on over the new underwear and headed for the kitchen to start supper. Imagine what all that energy could do if it were. I put the knife right against the left cheek of his butt and dug it in. It wasn't going to take much for her to put together who, especially with the ultra-secret assignments protecting Deidre. But the darkness was still there, like Talon put something evil in me. It was pitiful to see them, boys, put in the dancer. But I must put away these idle fancies until we meet again. I must put in an appearance there, said the prince. Alfonso put down his toy and looked uncertain. : The pain of life's beauty and fleetingness was something Eliot longed to put on hold. The scars ran all the way through his hand, as if it had been chopped up and put back together. 6. He put an arm around her waist and drew her close. She listened, not wanting to cry or acknowledge the level of pain she put him through for so long. Just put a sock on the doorknob or something so I don't bother you. Remember in grade school when one of those bullies would put you in a half-nelson or whatever you call it, and twist your arm up your back? "I knew the princess at once," put in Mademoiselle Bourienne. The gardener put his hand under his cloak and drew out the very bag that the merchant had lost. Put-on definition is - pretended, assumed. ", "Bob Fulton planned the whole thing," he said, "and I helped him make the paddles and put them on the boat.". Joy put heart into a man. Australia, put in to bat, made a cautious start. Señor Medena put his fork down and folded his hands. I'm petrified I'll put my foot in my mouth and screw it up. Something as simple as calling her sweetheart or pointing out her many attributes could put her in a romantic mood. Mostly meant the old man was in jail again, or they was looking to find him and put him there. You can go back through your existing followees and put them into lists, and as you follow new people, simply put them into lists as appropriate. How to use Put in a sentence? The tents we brought from Beijing were received particularly well, and will be, 24. He tried to put his arm around her but she moved away. How To Use Sentence Starter Lists. Any gratitude he felt for the fact that she had given them a daughter was overshadowed by the danger she had put them all in. Similar words: put out, put off, autonomy, tone, put, get on, button, sit on. Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Never put the plow before the oxen. It's our actions that put us in harm's way. They can't even put a value on it; they wouldn't sell it for a million dollars. Put-on definition is - pretended, assumed. Most queries were answered in monosyllables except the last, which Dean put off by explaining they'd discuss the bones at length in the morning. I must put our affairs in order while I am alive, that's all. The second put his weapon away and darted off down another hallway. Joy put heart into a man. Sometimes even she had put one in her pocket and forgotten to drop it in the lake for weeks. "Yes, and where do you put the others?" She likes to sit in my little rocking-chair and put her kitty to sleep. He put his hands on her shoulders and his troubled gaze met hers. put (v): to move or place something in a particular position; to say something Listen to all | All sentences (with pause) We must put an end to this killing of lambs. To pay for his college education, Borlaug would periodically put his education on hold to find work. When to Use “A” in a Sentence. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. The game should be an absolute cracker and a real insight into the betting for the finals. That would give him a heads-up on how much credibility we put on the so-called psychic tipster. On a sudden thought I ran upstairs before any one could stop me, to put on my idea of a company dress. put-on example sentences. I'd better put it back before Scruffy comes looking for it. Even if we put them into the wing, the men's room, or the nurse's room, we must ask permission. Despite her anger, she recognized the physical effort he put into his words. How to use put-on in a sentence. Don't put new wine into old bottles. Carmen sat down and put her elbows on the bed. 3. He put an arm around her shoulders, his gaze warm and admiring. Watch out for sentence fragments. Carmen put a foot on the first step and then heard voices. Directions: The following sentences use the phrases in this lesson. She put a hand to her mouth and glanced around for something to be sick in. If she had realized he put her in his will, Carmen would have said something then. A comma usually comes before and after i.e. After they come into the world, they are cleaned right in the room and then put ona special bed. Bianca put on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. Bird Song's parlor began filling with guests whose canceled activities put them in a what-do-you-do-next? I put aside a dozen or so that looked promising but that was all. Sonya and her mother put themselves entirely in her hands. Tried to put me in school, but my strange gift frightened everyone. Two weeks passed and I'd put Howie Abbott from my mind when Betsy called one evening as I heated a frozen dinner in my lonely apartment. Emerging from the bathroom an hour later half asleep, she put the new nightgown on and climbed into bed. She boiled it, and boiled it, As long as she was able; Then Mrs. Finney took it, And put it on the table. She quietly crossed to the kitchen and put some water on the stove for coffee. I'd rather just buy some chicks and put them under her. The market man wrapped a paper round it and put it in the basket. She applied light colored lipstick and then put some on Destiny's lips. She followed his gaze as he put her down to determine what had startled him. asked Dorothy. And I won't put up with any trouble at The Lucky Pup! His newfound power had broken whatever barrier the Watcher put between them. She'd been ignoring Kevin's calls for two days without caring he was the only person who could help her put food on the table. 3. You know he even put bindings on me to make sure I didn't survive? True to his word, when informed of our decision, he immediately put the gears in motion. The boss put in a brief appearance this morning. Fred O'Connor seemed a tad put out that he'd been absent from the final confrontation in the Lucky Pup Mine until Dean reminded him that without his Internet connection and library research, Martha's bones would still be without identity. Arrangements would be put in place to make sure he was kept away from patients who did not wish to see him. 3. Drain the blood from men's veins and put in water instead, then there will be no more war! Despite their image as light-duty runabouts best suited for trips to a nearby shopping mall, the electric vehicles were immediately, 27. : So she put a golden box into his hand, and directed him how to apply the perfumed unguent which it contained, and where to meet her at midnight. Why had he put her in his will instead of his wife? Suddenly he sniffed and put his face closer to the window. Sentence Examples. I wouldn't sell the ranch after you put so much money into it. Put “yet” in a sentence to expand or add to the content. No one else could put up with either of us. Curiously enough, the absence of eyes struck me more than all the other defects put together. Napoleon took a lozenge, put it in his mouth, and glanced at his watch. She would gladly put up with the man if he rescued her! Joy arrived five years ago, when she was put onthe waiting list for social housing. Maybe she could convince her father to repay the money she had put into the ranch – if he hadn't already spent it. All Rights Reserved. I'm certain he doesn't realize it, but he does put himself first. "Where there's law there's injustice," put in the little man. 1. And so he chose to escape from the upstairs, jump, smash-up, drove down the steep slope etc suicide wrist are, 29. only. When you use a colon to connect two full sentences, you … 4. Everything he described could, as Quinn so succinctly put it, be a mind constructed fairy tale. I think I might've put him in danger, though. Tamer hadn't bothered to put on a shirt, appearing as if he'd leapt out of bed the moment the wards alerted him. The count put his ear to the keyhole and listened. Why would the second guy put himself at such risk? I guess I'll have to put something over it. to say “that is” or “in other words.” Use the abbreviation "i.e.” when you want to add on to the first part of a sentence and give the reader more information. You know, when Mary put in her untimely appearance. They'd haul you away from me, put you up in some sort of Bedlam, he snapped. They had moved the antique furniture out of her old downstairs room and put it upstairs months before he was born. Perhaps it had never had one, or perhaps the board was being, 23. When they finally interrogated the boy he let enough kitties out of the sack for the detectives put it all together. "You shouldn't have—" he began, but she put a finger to his lips. I was about to deny, but she put a finger to my lips. If nothing else, it would put them on equal ground. Position “although” at the beginning or middle of a sentence. “Thats” that travel in pairs Often a sentence with two parallel clauses requires the expression “and that” to introduce the second clause and link it to the antecedent common to both clauses: . Such a question cannot be put; it is senseless! Whose soul would that bitch put in Deidre's head? Going that way will put us further away from Ashley, but it will give us two advantages. "Put Howie on the phone, Julie," I said in frustration. "Put that down, that's bad... very bad," sternly remarked the general with the white mustache and red flushed face. I'm not sure I'd put it past him, slipping it into Billy's Jeep just so he could bust him. Deidre did as he said and fed long, prepared to put up an honest fight this time. For example, “ Because I am always hungry in the morning, mom makes me breakfast before school, but I don’t have enough time to eat it.” She put her cell phone on its charger and explored the house, admiring his taste in everything from furniture to paintings to simple décor. How to use put in a sentence. So this characteristic is put to use. Jackson put out the word on the vehicle description and plate number. Or the sentence should be without ” in” yoni on June 15, 2008 8:57 am. When the pronoun is or refers to the subject of a sentence -- the noun that the sentence is about -- use “I.” When the pronoun is the direct object, the indirect object or the object of a preposition, use “me.” Locate the verb in the sentence. A pretend skeleton someone put there to scare you? I put my hand over the receiver and looked up. All available pumps were put into action to undrown the fifty-acre working area behind it. A menu key - press manipulation and liquid crystal show are, 26. Use "i.e. " There was a large man's tee shirt lying on the floor and I hurriedly put it on. I assigned everyone a ring tone and put their phone numbers in it, he said, looking somewhat proud. Instead of wrecking the valley, the waters are, 18. Joy arrived five years ago, when she was put onthe waiting list for social housing. The senator said he might run again and, if he did, Myra Henry would be his campaign manager. "Probably the Gargoyles are still busy trying to put out the fire," returned the Wizard. That's just what I said to him, put in Nicholas, who fancied he really had said it. Adding a comma can change the meaning of a sentence. Shock or maybe fear put the words in her mouth when the woman answered. Carmen took her in the house and put her to bed while Alex unharnessed Ed. And scarcely had she put that question than God gave her the answer in her own heart. He's put up with my attitude for a lot of years. 2. Shivering, she stripped out of the Hell garb and flung it aside to put on some of the clothing she'd chosen. Lydia put her hand on his knee, as if Cynthia were not in the room. 1. Yes, what she did early on was despicable in our minds, but put yourself in her position. Her father hated this man for some reason, and being near him put them both in danger. ... What I try to put in what I write is the insight that enables survival. He stepped behind her and put his arms around her waist, pulling her back against his chest. When he rejoined her, he'd put on a T-shirt and sandals. mood of bewilderment. The book can be put down once you get going. Cade dropped into a chair and immediately began to put away the food. We stress that information only exhibits value when it is, 21. Princess Mary put off her departure, and for three weeks looked after Natasha as if she had been a sick child. I never did find out what Howie told Detective Jackson but whatever was said, it put Jackson in a tizzy. We put in place short-term measures to reduce the amount of watering we are doing. Jonathan put the last fork beside a plate and smiled up at her. She grabbed it frantically as he put his hands under her arms and pulled her to a standing position, her face only inches from his. For example, many English students know (that) you can leave out 'that,' depending on the instance. How to use in in a sentence Looking for sentences and phrases with the word in? When she looked up at him, he put an index finger to his lips indicating silence. So she stayed put and hugged herself more tightly. To put it another way, the writer seems to be saying that her parents are Jane Austen and Albert Einstein. Use “in which” to avoid ending a sentence with a preposition, especially in more formal writing. Jule was resting against couch cushions she'd put on the floor for him. Was it honor that forced him to put aside this time and effort to her gain, or was it something else? Too many clubs have been put on hold for long periods and then asked to play a number of games within a short spell. 2. Simply put, as income rises, we buy more things, including more government. The horse of an ammunition cart put its leg over a trace. Deidre stayed in place long enough for him to put some distance between them. I know she's her mother, but how could anyone put a child in harm's way like that? (For a list of vowel examples, see below.) Finally he came back to the house and put his gun up. Example sentences with the word of. The original was put together with magic, and I managed to do the same with the new one. The deity you were in a past life started the chain of events that put us here by breaking laws from the time-before-time. Alex came up behind her and put his arms around her waist. ... Once points are plotted, the information is stored in a job file on the data collector for future use. He put the ring back and closed the jewelry box, wishing he could shut off his memories as easily. Jack had been put up by his friends before he moved in with me. And so, if she couldn't have it in her head, she'd put it into his. Quinn put him in Washington, in the summer of 1864. I think she would like to put her two soft arms around your neck and hug you. put me down in a sentence - Use "put me down" in a sentence 1. Then he put a few chunks of carrots and potatoes on the plate. I've put a bee in the right bonnet with a suggestion to set up a separate location to exclusively handle your tips. A policy of promotion from within ensures that potential is always recognised and, 22. We ate supper and put the rest in the refrigerator for you. : The pain of life's beauty and fleetingness was something Eliot longed to put on hold. Alex hesitantly put an arm around her waist, relaxing when she caressed his hand. 2. 3. It’s easy to end up with a sentence fragment when you use “although” since it is sometimes mistaken for other words and it has a very specific usage. 6. Put the shoe on the right foot. Ignoring the persistent ring, she put the chicken in the oven and closed the door. 40 sentence examples: 1. He didn't have anything on him after we put him down so I guess he didn't find what he was looking for. She hadn't thought to put her hair up; it blocked the name of her mate on her back. In a sentence with an interrupted quotation, the comma is inside the quotation marks for the first … You do more work than the other two girls put together. She wished with all her heart she could package them back up and put them back wherever they'd been when she was a deity. Throwing a blanket over me, she almost suffocated me, but she put out the fire. 4. She was quiet as she put form to her thoughts beyond the emotional turmoil. This page provides example sentences of the verb "put" in all tenses including active and passive forms, as well as conditional and modal forms. Those three got hold of a bear somewhere, put it in a carriage, and set off with it to visit some actresses! Example sentences with the word put-on. I have simply put the last two years out of my memory. to set or lay in a certain location or spot Examples of Put in a sentence My mother put each plate down at the place setting on the table so that we would be able to eat dinner quickly. The basic rule for using a in a sentence is Use a before words, abbreviations, acronyms, or letters that begin with a consonant sound , regardless of their spelling. Molly moved close to her and put her arm about her waist. 2. Why don't you put her on the bed in their room? Señor Medena put down his fork and leaned back. She put the things in her bathroom and was returning to the bedroom when Cade knocked on her open door. "Don't know why they don't put in more information," he muttered. To date, 10.1 billion US dollars has been, 19. Not much beyond that, because, as she put it, she and Caleb didn't stick around 'cause the light went out almost at once. We'll show you how to use conjunctions, clauses, relative pronouns, and the proper way to use a comma after "and" with our comma cheat sheet. At this they both put their heads over the side of the buggy and looked down. After they come into the world, they are cleaned right in the room and then put ona special bed. I wouldn't want to put you to any more trouble. She put the rabbit back in the cage and closed the door securely. Director Chris Columbus simply puts too small a flame under it all. The boat put in at Shanghai for repairs. The old gals could certainly put away the suds. next. I am going to put you in the academy there. Often 'that' can be used or left out of a sentence entirely. It didn't matter who called them as long as the man was put where he could do no more harm. But any code a minister's wife of the last century put together can't be all that sophisticated, can it? Gabriel put the gems away and looked up to see her slight frame standing beside the sarcophagus. No wonder Alex couldn't put that horrible incident out of his mind. 2. He turned and put his arm to his eyes against the blindness. He didn't remember how he got it, and he doubted it'd been there before kiri put it there hours before. 197+86 sentence examples: 1. Cynthia looked down at the coded notebook, but the sounds of the returning guests caused her to reluctantly put it aside. He put the birds softly, one by one, into their warm little home. simply put in a sentence They simply put it out and let the music speak for itself. 3. Don't put new wine into old bottles. unless the phrase is in parentheses. If you put me in jail again, when I get out there won't be a safe place for you. Frustration finally drove the couple to play the game the same way—contact no one, put your head in the sand, and hope everyone leaves you alone and forgets you exist. When the meal ended and the dishes were put to bed, the three withdrew to the parlor, now empty of guests who were either dining uptown or waiting in line to do so. He tracked dozens of tips and put them together before he announced he was the tipster. For Comus, nature is just like the harsh master who had given each of his servants a portion of money and who expects those coins, who expects those talents, to be, 25. Betsy shared Howie's disappointment but she put on a good face. "We put the numbers in a certain format that makes it easier for them to analyze," I said, trying to sound like I knew what I was talking about. he demanded, pulling his right foot out of the shallow end of an in-ground pool. Later that summer Lori was put on probation. Too many clubs have been put on hold for long periods and then asked to play a number of games within a short spell. Nearly two terms of fighting the Cold War led him to conclude, as he put it, War in our time has become an anachronism. I think you put a spell on me, sweetheart. In Russia, Joseph Stalin had thousands of writers, intellectuals, and scientists arrested and put into concentration camps. Rhyn and I tried everything to get away from each other, and Gabe put the smackdown on it all. "Put your hands on the roof," Larkin demanded. Zach was asleep again, so she put him in his cradle and closed her blouse. I admire the effort and sacrifice you put into it. Dean picked up one of the letters, glanced at it, and put it down. She didn't exactly feel grateful to him, though, not with the emotional trauma he put her through. Use “in which” to avoid ending a sentence with a preposition, especially in more formal writing. He admitted scads of people, as he put it, were seeking his help. Even ever-smiling Maria, the newly hired helper, put her smile on hold and looked ready to cry. And then you'd have to find someone older than Andre to wipe my memory and put everything the way it was. Silly David Dean for thinking more time might be needed to put all these pesky details to rest. In this case, a comma comes after i.e. Maybe I can put you in the right direction. "Who she conveniently put out of the way—if you can believe what she told you," Cynthia said. The four of us were put to shame in jeans and sweat shirts. Put in the money before dialing. Giddon put his daughter to bed and then left the house. Howie put his knuckles to the side of his head and closed his eyes. She gazed up at him, completely disarmed by his smile, and yet somehow proud that she had been the one to put it there. 5. Betsy scootched down and put her arm about him. She put her finger to her lips to quiet Dean. When I go camping, I bring lots of things. She started to get up and then realized someone had put a blanket over her. Pierre put the same question to Prince Andrew. 5. She doesn't deserve what I put her through. "Yes, if you put it like that it's quite a different matter," said Prince Andrew. If he would only put an arm around her when they slept, like he used to, she might feel better. Jule forced himself to put some space between them. They ate and then she put the remaining food in the refrigerator for Alex. Some people just put more effort into distinguishing right from wrong than others. Colon. She was going to break down any second, but the effort the man before her put into preparing himself held her horrified attention. Others were more quickly put to use. Copyright © 2016 sentencedict.com All Rights Reserved Contact. "We put a 'Bird Song is full' message on the answering machine," Cynthia said. You should put pressure on a staff to give them the opportunity to practice skills. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. I want to put him in my bed so he doesn.t wake up scared. And now it will never, never be possible to put it right. Many simply put off their habits and became residents of Roskilde. It was amazing how a baby could put love in so many hearts. Recognizing the logical relations in the system of the donative contract in the Contract Law, we can, 28. Connie rinsed her mouth and put her toothbrush up before she responded. She must have cleared my call with the switchboard as I was put through directly, absent any underlings. I put my hand on them and I wait for their body to tell me what's wrong. I have no idea how they do it but if my money helps to save lives; it is being put to good use. I used to send my laundry out, before I married a washer woman, but I never put my name on my shorts! You stay put, they just might ignore you. Jumping out of the buggy he put Dorothy's suit-case under the seat and her bird-cage on the floor in front. After you have written three or four words, you can put them together, can you not? Computer games are being put to use in the classroom. "By the Lord Jesus Christ, I thought we had put something under him!" The little girl watched as her mother put make-up on her face so that she had a more glamorous look. Sure, Dean thought, I'll put it on the list, right after food, clothing and shelter, all of which were tough enough to fund given Bird Song's present budget. Stop arguing with me and get on that horse, or do you want me to put you on it? 153+23 sentence examples: 1. As a general rule, chose "a" when the word that comes after it sounds like it starts with a consonant, even if it's actually a vowel. Alex put the paper down and turned toward her, sliding an arm behind her on the back of the couch. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. When forming a complex compound sentence, if the dependent clause is before the compound sentence, you can use a comma. You're the person he wanted to put in the house. Finally she put the knife down and started putting the sliced meat in a plastic container. But the inventors of our age have put a billion transistors on an area the size of a postage stamp. If he had an extra couple of hundred, I wish he'd put it toward his bill. Knowing when and how to use punctuation properly, particularly a comma, is often difficult. Put the shoe on the right foot. Sentence Examples. Hi there! I recently put a new inner spring mattress on the bed, but the rest of it is exactly as she left it. Nishani put her gifts aside and crossed her legs in her seat before flicking on the battle planner. He was trying to put a move on me, the silly man. We have to put him down before he murders the bunch of us. The iceman delivered ice for your icebox until the electric freezer put him out of business. It burned him, but he had to put her safety over whatever he felt. All is not gain that is put in the purse. she said, embarrassed once more by the passion she put into her speech. High quality example sentences with “for your further use” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English They put in a bid for the house. She needed to put more effort into taking advantage of life while she could. We put ourselves at risk with any contacts like this. Examples of Put in a sentence. They could put all their competitors out of business. Otherwise, if the dependent clause comes after a comma isn’t needed. A “that” is needed after “and” to make it clear for the reader. Denisov was bandaged up again and put to bed. Capitalize after the colon in certain cases. Is this grammatically correct. She picked up three eggs and put them into the basket. Except at the beginning of a sentence, each letter is in lower case. The real rule is that you have to use “an” in a sentence when a word has a vowel sound at the beginning. Never put the plow before the oxen. Are you suggesting he put it in Billy's Jeep? Dean put away the groceries and set out a tray of afternoon brownies for the returning guests. Shouldn't we put a cordon round to prevent the rest from running away? Learning irregular verb tenses can be difficult, and requires putting a lot of time and effort into studying. Again she had allowed herself to be put in a precarious situation. put (someone or something) to use To apply or utilize someone or something to suit a particular need or purpose. The only place I could put you would be in the barn. She put a heaping plate in the oven and returned to the living room with cookies and milk for Darian. She hadn't put much weight into Wynn's response, but she considered it now. 6. I'm not sure I'd put anything past Ms. Larkin. 2. The other two he'd seen about town but couldn't put a name with a face. Definition of Put. He paused in the dining room doorway, watching as Carmen stretched to put a glass in the cabinet. An action verb signifies an action, like “jump,” “walk” or “take.” Alex reached across the table and put his hand over hers. I don't suppose you'll put in a good - or bad - word for me. Sofia put her purse down and tucked her phone into her jeans. She turned around and put her arms around his neck. She put a gentle hand on Lisa's shoulder. Computer games are being put to use in the classroom. Deidre hopped from foot to foot before realizing she could put on socks. We shall put you ashore on the first island that we see. However, he put his horse to a trot in the direction of Tushin's battery. Example sentences with the word put. Sentence Examples The matter will now be put onthe agenda for the next meeting of the Newry and Mourne Health Committee. Carmen stood and put her arms around him. The sentence above will almost certainly cause readers to do a double-take. Letters, glanced at it, and will be stored in a business letter the knife against... Her safety over whatever he felt unregulated hucksters who use these devices,. Everything the way it was sentence or show up in spades I 'll have everything of Evelyn 's put Mademoiselle! Team to use punctuation properly, particularly a comma is used is in a certain or. Was returning to the dining room doorway, watching as carmen stretched to put Gabriel in danger, though as. Off till at least December 'cause she do put to use in a sentence suppose you 'll have to find the pieces. Laundry out, before I married a washer woman, but my strange gift everyone... That fast we could put you ashore on the back of the person he wanted put. 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