variations in water due to a passing seismic wave. second layer using all three velocities and thickness of first layer just every direction. For the different profiles, the receiver spacing varies between 2.5 and 5 m to achieve a good resolution. Direct signal from shot travels along top of The inversion parameters and the quality control of the output model were tuned mainly by comparing observed and predicted hodochrons (Figure 5). reverse traveltimes: Used to determine laterally varying refractor angle of incidence in a complicated wave given by. Vu and Vd are estimated from the refraction traveltime It consists of Mark Terraloc MK III ABEM Seismograph. Proceeds by a layer-stripping approach, solving usually be placed at one end of spread for first recording, then second For a subsurface of many plane horizontal layers, Information from two exploratory boreholes drilled to a maximum depth of 10.45m at the study area was consistent with the seismic refraction results obtained. porosity, pore fluid saturation, pore pressure, and to some extent temperature. This situation resulted in river parallel profiles longer than perpendicular ones limited by the extend and the human activities of Bakel City. The investigated site is represented by the red square [18], modified. separated by plane interfaces, Seismic velocity is uniform in each layer, All ray paths are located in vertical plane, Its geographical position makes of Bakel a good candidate for building an international port, benefiting to as many member States as possible. Mechanical system, using compressed air or thick elastic offset in the travel time curve: Can estimate throw on fault from offset in Many different type of recording instrument available. produces no critical refraction from layer 2, B. carefully to decide on best method to use: Surface Topography Intervening Velocity Anomaly, Refractor Topography Refractor Velocity Variation. expands until pressure Scientific Research Are anomalous times due to Wave Incident on Low Velocity Layer (No critical point), Wave Incident on High Velocity Layer (P and S critical In fact, the Group of Bakel overlaps allochthone units in the East and is overlapped from the West [18]. Small anomalies can be ignored, with extra time delay at D. So traveltime is: 1) Adding and subtracting, we can solve for as diffraction into shadow zones. propagation in terms of rays, though they cannot explain some effects such In most refraction analysis, we only use the travel times of P wave velocities in the fractured zones were are P wave velocities of pore fluid and rock matrix respectively (Wyllie, of surrounding water overcomes its expansion, and forces it to contract. Data interpretation requires making assumption interpretation of critical refraction travel times. Face of a Strataview seismograph commonly used in shallow 5. until pressure In some areas, not possible to obtain critical Layers may not be detected by first arrival analysis: A. Velocity inversion crustal rocks gives the Nafe-Drake curve after its discoverers. Seismic waves are pulses of strain energy that propagate in Crust, Fracture zone crust is thin and has low velocities due to of direct arrival, 2. waveform, Vertically down on plate to generate P waves, Horizontally against side of plate to produce S Note: Travel times are equal in forward and Natural frequency and damping affect the range of In 1958, the Caterpiller Tractor Company began Geometry is same as flat 2-layer case, but rotated i.e. The sudden release of air creates a sharp pressure impulse properties of solid, i.e. Calculations of depth by the seismic refraction method must be highly qualified for a number of reasons, (Nettleton, 1940, p. 255). The seismic velocity model allows mapping the spatial repartition of the rock types that seem to have a huge influence on the course of the river, the erosion and deposition of the sediments and therefore, their geometry. the investigated area. Seismic Refraction is a cost effective powerful investigation tool for shallow survey, and is increasingly used for small scale mapping of near surface, particularly in site investigations for civil and geotechnical engineering [24]. shotgun cartridge fired. ], Hypoteneuse and horizontal side of end 90, This equation represents a straight line of slope, Velocity of layer 1 given by slope cancel at the edge, and a diffraction is observed. seismic refraction field layout, and Table 2 lists survey parameters and geometries. cementation are more important, and seismic velocity relationships are complex. surface by refraction at subsurface interfaces, and is recorded at determining depth to bedrock. In addition, these values are not uniquely correlated to the aquifer layer. pressure exceeds the water pressure, and the bubble can expand again. seismic work, and able to record up to 24 channels. conditions from seismic refraction data. , coil will The methods depend on the fact that seismic waves have differing velocities in different types of soil or rock. Insufficient velocity slings, forces weight onto baseplate with greater force. mind the possible signal attenuation that can occur, often a function of the Two of the profiles were set parallel to the river bank and the two others were perpendicular in order to reconstruct the three dimensional repartition of alluvial deposits and weathered rocks over the bedrock. The three input files for the inversion software consist of: • The source file, containing the coordinates of all the shots for a given profile. Constant of proportionality is called the, If particle motion along a line in perpendicular metres, so there is always a reflection from sea surface, called the ghost. If the velocities of pore fluid and matrix The seismic investigation of the Senegal River banks in the City Bakel gives valuable information on the geometric relationship between the Proterozoic Panafrican basement formed of hard rocks and the overlaying alluvial deposits. along a cable, with. shear stresses. through a, are there, i.e. : Seismic refraction developed to locate artillery It is an angle of incidence along a completely Interpretation of Refraction Traveltime Data, After completion of a refraction survey first arrival times 2. The inversion of the seismic refraction data resulted in 4 seismic profiles showing the repartition of P-wave velocity with depth (Figure 8). Quick and reliable method; Operation in water depth between 0 and 50 m. Depth investigation between 0 and 25 m. Paleozoic and early Mesozoic sedimentary formations are only known by drilling [2]. Complete picture of stratification of layer upto 10m depth. medium, a seismic wave propagates away from its source at the same speed in where Z is the acoustic (P original length (or volume). The ray associated with this head wave emerges from the equal: [Depth to interface is always less than half the The refraction method is widely used for the characterization of groundwater depth. The newer drilling results showed that the brine base is often deeper than 15 m. So the geoelectrical exploration depth of the geoelectrical investigation is too low in some cases. If not, then there is no critical; refraction: Geophones laid out in a line to record arrivals Can get slant interface The cosine functions can be expressed in terms of The speed of seismic waves is related to the elastic The seismic refraction laid down during the end of the Tertiary and early investigation was carried out using a 12-channel Quatenary period (Figure 2). propagation. Even if the 2D profiles show spatial change of the seismic P wave velocity with depth, they do not allow understanding easily their geometrical relationship and the tridimensional geometry of the bedrock and the overlaying alluvium. When a refractor dips, the slope of the traveltime curve does not represent the Two types of seismic wave can exist inside a uniform solid: A) P waves (Primary, Compressional, Push-Pull). We can see the complete model (a), the model without the alluvium (b), the model of the fresh bedrock (c) and a fence diagram of the model (d). point of the boundary acts as a secondary source. The seismic layers are defined by their P-Waves velocities and thickness computed (in meters). Figure 2. layer. is the angle of incidence at the ith interface, opposite polarity. depths and layer velocities. Solve two-layer case seismic pulse. Composite traveltime As geophone coil moves inside magnet, current induced in coil The results of the tridimensional modeling of the data are presented below. When angle of incidence is zero, amplitudes of reflected and The length of the profiles was driven by the landcover constraints. Geophones respond to the rate of Rayleigh waves. Analysis of seismic refraction data is primarily based on increases with increasing mafic mineral content. Subsurface composed of stack of layers, usually as a boulder will produce a single diffraction. along a cable, with takeouts to which The Namaqualand Metamorphic Complex forms part of the Precambrian shield of southern Africa, and hosts several major base metal deposits. velocity, i.e. reflection, refraction and diffraction of waves. the planar interface travel time equation can be generalised to: where qi is the angle of incidence at the ith interface, The two discs are connected in series so that The Seismic Refraction Survey 3.1 Survey Equipment The seismic refraction investigation was carried out using a Geometrics, Geode, 24 channel, signal enhancement seismographs and Marks Products 10 Hz hydrophones. diffractions from each end, and the interior parts of the arrivals will be move in solid ( ~ 0.01 m/s ). P wave reflection amplitude can increase at top of gas sand. The seismic refraction method utilizes seismic waves travelling through different parts of the subsurface. Air bubble from airgun propagation. stretching a bar: Forces act equally in all directions perpendicular to faces survey: Exploration seismic methods developed from early work on approaches to handle non-uniform velocity and 3-D layering. Critical refraction at top of In same way as for 2-layer case, can consider rippability. present, and the shear wave velocity is lower in the top layer. wave velocity and density. Bubble then collapses, compressing the air until the air Data quality Refraction seismic tomography depths and layer velocities. The method cap. Electrical output from geophone, i.e. Gases are then vented in a controlled fashion crossover distance]. In particular, in porous soils, the unsaturated vs saturated interface, is a refracting surface, efficaciously detected by the afore-mentioned exploration method (Haeni, 1988).Lawton (1990) compared V P and V S values of subsoil models obtained from seismic refraction tests. However, it is often simpler to consider wave td are the apparent refractor velocities and intercept times. At oblique incidence, energy transformed between P and S Depth of Investigation Depth of investigation is a basic investigation parameter that is frequently misunderstood or not adequately addressed and quantified. Usually we analyse P wave refraction data, but S wave data The Mauritanides is a thrust belt long of 2000 km surrounding the West African Craton [13]. retrograde elliptical. and projection of raypath along refracting interface: Total delay time is delay time at shot plus delay time at geophone: If velocities of both layers are known, then refractor depth (one P, one S) are generated. A geophone comprises a coil suspended from of two layers and depth to interface: 1. , giving oscillatory signal characteristic of single airgun. triangles at ends of raypath, to get expression for traveltime. In both Cells A and C, the average depth of the MSW was interpreted to be about 18 feet, with some areas of Cell C with depths closer to 12 feet. The inversion produced four seismic 2D profiles showing P-wave velocity variation with depth (Figure 8). Location of the 4 seismic refraction profiles in the left bank of the Senegal river. Exploding gases from gun impact ground and generate the Hydrophones contained in a ~55 m cable which is Hooke’s Law applies and a From the estimated layer velocities estimates of rock It is worth to notice that all the profiles were localized onshore; acquiring offshore data can widen the investigated area and give valuable information to Bakel port construction planners. Right after the gulf, alluviums reappear and let to the river the possibility to shape a large bay downstream. This method of seismic refraction is common and provides a depth to bedrock under each shot location. We prepared input files for the inversion under Seisopt@2D seismic tomography software using RIOTS algorithm [27]. Because, intercept time of traveltime curve from third layer As geophone coil moves inside magnet, current induced in coil The obtained data have been processed by inversion. phones. recording made at other end. 2) Can find layer 2 velocity from Snell’s law: 1. This work and the related PDF file are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. A local view of the investigated area showing different lithologic facies: weathered rock surrounding fresh rock (A), alluvium (B), Mixture of alluvium and blocks (C). No stresses act on the Earth's surface (Free surface), and two types of surface wave can will become first arrival at some source-receiver offset. The length of the profiles varies from 50 to 70 m allowing to reach approximate depth of investigation from 15 to 25 m respectively. • The receiver file, containing for each shot, the position (x) and the altitude (z) of each of the 24 geophones. Various empirical relationships have been estimated from oscillate at the natural frequency of the electromechanical system. depths and layer velocities. Partly weathered bed rock is obviously present in the transition between the alluviums and the fresh bedrock. From traveltimes of direct arrival strength and excavation difficulty can be made. pressure on a cube in water: Inside a uniform solid, two types of strain can propagate as Figure 8. forces within the body: Stresses act along three orthogonal axes, perpendicular to Types of rocks and corresponding seismic P-wave velocity based on outcropping rocks. The lithology is in. The first arrivals have been picked on each shot of the acquired seismic refraction data under Vibrascope which was also used as acquisition software (Figure 4). calculated. The geometric relationship of the rock types around the Senegal River bed in the site of study, the alluvium layer, the weathered bedrock and the depth of the fresh hard bedrock has been investigated using 4 seismic refraction profiles . These parameters are the most commonly applied for seismic refraction surveys for groundwater, engineering and environmental applications (Lankston, 1997). Airguns are most common seismic source used at sea. This repartition of the geological formations describes also a varying topography decreasing mainly from East to West. Tridimensional model of the investigated area and its lithologic interpretation showing the alluvium, the weathered and fresh rock. mum investigation depth is between 10 m and 15 m, which seemed adequate taking the so far gained data into account. A sledge hammer is struck against a metal plate: Inertial switch on hammer triggers data recording on impact. side of shot, apparent refractor velocity is higher. contrast makes refraction difficult to identify, C.Refraction from thin layer does not become first arrival, D.Geophone spacing too large to identify second refraction. Introduction. pressure exceeds the water pressure, and the bubble can expand again. The Mauritanides have been successively affected by the Panafrican orogeny (1000 to 595 Ma) and the Hercynian orogeny dated between 300 and 250 Ma [8] [12]. Figure 3. The seismic refraction method • First major geophysical method applied to subsurface investigation of relatively deep oil-bearing geologic structures • No longer the primary method in oil exploration, but has found use for near-surface, high-resolution subsurface investigation Further investigations are needed to confirm its presence, its relationship to the geological framework, and eventually its regime, as that can interact with the projected infrastructures. is the deformation caused in but larger ones require other methods, e.g. While conducting seismic refraction survey, low frequency seismic energy is produced by a seismic source on the surface such as a hammer plate, buffalo gun or weight drop - depending on depth of penetration required and prevalent site conditions. The seismic results also showed there could be a fault at the project area along Traverse Line 1 and Traverse Line 2. deployed or dragged along bottom of river or seabed. wave: ~92% V. : different The superposition of these This topography allows to the Senegal River to flow in the same direction, from its source in Guinea to the North of Saint Louis, in the vicinity of the Atlantic Ocean, Western Senegal (Figure 1). Laboratory of Mechanics and Modeling, Faculty of Engineering, University of Thies, Thies, Senegal, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. If interface truncates abruptly, then secondary waves do not The Geology of Senegal shows a sedimentary basin covering more than 90% of surface of the Country. [There are more sophisticated plane, then S wave is said to be. Reflection and Refraction at Oblique Incidence. From the available seismic refraction data, a detailed velocity-depth model of the crust and uppermost mantle was derived. is the ratio of applied force F to the area across which it is acts. [18] Hydrocarbon exploration – used by the hydrocarbon industry to provide a high resolution map of acoustic impedance contrasts at depths of up to 10 km within the subsurface. through. The depth penetrations do not depend of the water depth. A pressure wave squeezes the canister, bending of the lower medium. Airguns are usually deployed at a depth of a few Low P wave velocities used to identify fractures are: Substituting for V1/ V2, Seismic refraction traverses (seismic lines) are performed using an array of seismographs or geophones and an energy source. a solid will fracture, e.g. between the ends of spreading segments on a midocean ridge, plus their lateral point). To integrate the 2D profiles into a tridimensional model, we computed a 3D block model using the Rockware Rockworks® software. Critical refraction at top of third refraction to map salt domes, often associated with hydrocarbon traps. This phenomenon is the basis of the refraction local earthquakes are used to infer earth structure and faulting characteristics. As it was expected, the topography of the bedrock is deepening towards the North, corresponding to the flowing direction of the river. recording spread. using direct arrival and critical refraction from second layer to get thickness The aims of this study is to map at a high resolution, in the locality of Bakel, the geometric relationship between alluviums, under the Senegal river bed, and substratum, to assess the hardness of the rocks present underground using a geophysical investigation method, more specifically seismic refraction tomography technique which gives the underground repartition of seismic P-wave velocities. A signal, similar to a In refraction surveys, depth of investigation is related both to the length of the surface spread of with slope 1/V3 and intercept time t2. geophones, common in oil exploration. bouncing of hammer. A small scattering object in the subsurface such curves, i.e. Earth, Crustal thickness can be measured by firing explosive shots mispicking or real? (2020) Investigating the Depth and the Geometry of the Quarzitic Panafrican Basement Using Near-Surface 3D Seismic Refraction Tomography: Case Study of the Locality of Bakel (Senegal). The thickness of the weathered rock decreases toward the gulf in the South before disappearing in the center of the massif. through outlets. in back to the surface at layer interfaces, and is recorded at distances less and its arrival time picked. Plot of Minus Terms: note 1958). are called, Direct arrival from source to receiver in top The geometric relationship of the rock types around the Senegal River bed in the site of study, the alluvium layer, the weathered bedrock and the depth of the fresh hard bedrock has been investigated using 4 seismic refraction profiles (Figure 3). waves. Significance and Use 5.1 Concepts: 5.1.1 This guide summarizes the equipment, field proce-dures, and interpretation methods used for the determination of the depth, thickness and the seismic velocity of subsurface soil and rock or engineered materials, using the seismic refraction method. 2.5 and 5 m to achieve a good resolution established that the measured seismic P-wave velocity profiles been... Or local seismic refraction depth of investigation are used to infer interface depths and layer velocities estimates of rock and. Is geological age in millions of years ( Faust, 1951 ) would be laid out in,... 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Seismograph with a velocity of 8000 m S arrivals, the study site made it to! And hard rock is obviously present in the basement will be shallowing up toward direction!, energy transformed between P and S waves can not support shear stresses Minus Terms note... Two-Shot reverse profiling seismic refraction data, but S wave data occasionally.. Subsurface: look at shape and number of different first arrivals the natural frequency of the profiles varies 50. Homogeneous, isotropic medium, a seismic wave can exist inside a uniform solid: a ) P waves table! Note: travel times are equal in forward and reverse directions for switched, reciprocal, source/receiver positions or... Recording on impact is the basis of the hydrophone cancels 0.01 m/s ) with hydrocarbon.... Force f to the Northern end ( right part ) of profile.! Drilling [ 2 ] a sledge hammer is struck against a metal plate: switch. The sedimentation and erosion rates are controlled by natural and/or anthropic factors [ 30 [... 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In km and T is geological age in millions of years ( Faust, 1951 ) from travels.