Jack was later given Gallia's saber. Lama Su:"Jack Tresherslider someone would like to see you. It was then at that moment, Plo told Skywalker to attack the ion canon, Skywaller paused then he told the remaining men to go for the ion cannon. There HQ was hit pretty hard, the blast from the explosion knock out there communication array. 1 comments "My father, Jack Kirby, and Joe Simon, the creators of Captain America and WWII veterans, would be absolutely sickened by these images. Do you still see her? The threat of the ship-dwellers was eventually resolved, and Jack sent his Raider Squadron, led by his second in command, Jolli, to shoot down the Millennium Falcon. Jack defeated him and they retreated. They soon learned the Umbarans were under the command of Varad Zagg, Darth Maul and Savage Opress. 21 BBY, Jack joined Wolfpack in the Mission to Iceberg Three. When Jack blew up the sith temple on Umbara and sacrificed himself to save his general. Upon bringing the Falcon aboard the ship with a tractor beam, Jack stole Solo's reward that he had received from rescuing Princess Leia Organa. They took off their helmets they were shocked. And sometimes we may quarrel, but no matter what, we are united. Forcetammer was taken prison. He looked at Jack then suddenly he said "You represent Kamino!" Tresherslider was treated for his injures. Jack gave the name "The Kashyyyk lightsaber". a memorial was built to honer those who were killed during the Battle of Umbara, specially Hardcase. Also for the Skirmish on Carlac as well. In the hold of the Imperial craft, the gang employed many different starfighters including TIE fighters, X-wings, and Y-wings. No one was representing at the time. After Tambor began a firebombing campaign of the Twi'lek villages. ", Dheeb signaled to MagnaGuard he tortured Jack by shocking him with an electrostaff. Jack was quite suspicious of the action, and he had two of his men keep close watch on the Wookiee with orders to kill Chewbacca if he tried anything not related to guiding the ship to the Drexel system. Chronological and political information ", Me: "Maybe if *cough* my class hadn't upset me *cough*, I wouldn't have this wou- This list shows the victims Jack has killed: Free Realms 2009-2010 (character deleted), DC Universe Online 2011-2012 (character deleted), Transformers Universe 2014 (as Autobot Treshertron), Jack Tresherslider, makes an appearance in Inside the Mind, Jack Tresherslider thanks the TreshersliderFilms production crew, Tresherslider comfirms videos are in production, 1 In battlefront II he used to wear red ARC Trooper Armor(Xbox mod), 2 Granted access to special weapons star wars battlefront II, 3 Don't doubt his skill with a saber or a pistol, 5 Is a Force-sensitive clone trooper like X2. R9 became Jack's  primary  astromech droid during the Clone Wars and Galactic Civil War. During the battle, the pod received a message from Ahsoka Tano. Han Solo and his co-pilot, Chewbacca, were on their way to meet with Jabba the Hutt and pay off the crime lord with the reward they had received from the Rebel Alliance for rescuing Princess Leia Organa from the Death Star, to remove the bounty Jabba had placed on their heads. The Jedi Council sent General Skywalker, Commander Tano and Captains, Rex and Tresherslider to the Bothawui system. However, the drawing shows Jack wearing an outfit of blue. Coming up with a quick lie, Solo claimed that he had come to Crimson Jack on purpose. " Louie, Rivershot, & Wolfdog take Jack to the ship. Crimson Jack's pirate gang[2] Then suddenly the worship jumped from hyperspace. There was the distant sound of blasters. Male[2] [7] However, even with the guards on him, Chewbacca was able to delete the ship's star charts, an action that had been planned by Solo to give them the upper hand. As one of the most popular Doctor Who companions, John Barrowman 's vigorous and buoyant portrayal of Captain Jack Harkness was unforgettable in his seasons with both 9th Doctor Christopher Eccleston and 10th Doctor David Tennant. Master Yoda had explained to Lama Su the trouble on Geonosis. Plo and Jack's escape pod received a distress call from pod, 1977, soon after the battle droids made their way to the last pod, Plo Koon decided to defend against the pod hunter. Star Wars 9: Showdown on a Wasteland World! Krell landed near Tup who led him near the vixus Tup stunned him. Suddenly David realized he wasn't on the planet, but in space. [7], Not knowing that Solo and Organa were familiar with one another, Jack decided to use Solo and Chewbacca as an example for what was in store for Organa if she still refused to talk. But David forced Dheeb into a wall, then grabbed Jack and with his men retreated to a Telgorn Gunship they took off and headed for his cruiser. At this moment, Solo decided to reveal to Jack that Chewbacca had erased his star charts, and that if he went through with the execution he would be condemning his crew to being stranded in the Drexel system. With nothing but quick thinking on his side, Solo managed to bluff Jack into believing that he needed Jack to obtain a Rebel treasure trove. Maul:"I have waited a long time for revenge! [1] In addition, Jack recruited mainly Human pirates for his crew,[2] and looked down on the Wookiee Chewbacca as a dumb animal. Crimson Jack watches as Han Solo guides his flagship to the Drexel system. Star Wars Venator Star Destroyer. "Take him away! ", Malik: "Leo, me & you will hold off Dave." On the way to Skywalker's location, Organa found her ship caught in the tractor beam of Crimson Jack. Description. The galaxy had no government. The Jedi Knights, reduced in number to only a handful, were slowly restored, primarily under the leadership of Luke Skywalker, son of the former Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker. Commander Tano took command of the troops, the explosives had been placed in the reactor room. (Polls are below), Ok I admit, I couldn't have pulled off alone I want to thank the TreshersliderFilms Crew for this and all the awesome work they've done, without them Jack Tresherslider would have never existed in the first place. R2 had saved everyone from death. Jolli blamed the outburst on Solo, whom she had only recently began to fantasize about. To repair the craft, Jack received funding from Hutt crime lord Jabba Desilijic Tiure, in return for a share of the profits. "― Jack to his Company. David and Jack went to the Sith Academy confronted them. Shortly after the Battle of Christophsis, the CIS had kidnapped Jabba the Hutt's son in an effort to gain access to Hutt space. The squad arrived with little time to spare. Shadow Company arrives to rescue Tresherslider. We have what you need from gaming to collecting, carrying a wide variety of comics, toys, and supplies. we will fight him together. "Blast them!" After removing the reward from the Falcon, Jolli suggested executing the smugglers, but Jack nixed the idea, claiming that they might be able to pull off the same caper on Solo at a later date. In Star Wars 12: Doomworld!, Crimson Jack had told Solo that he had found financial backers to fund the restoration of his craft. ). Ventress had made her way to the DNA room and Grievous dueled Kenobi. Starting with an initial group of 12 students, the Order slowly grew in numbers and stature, becoming a core part of the New Republic that sponsored it. Favorited. ", Forcetammer: "You don't have the guts to kill me. Jack sat in cell for days, until he was visited by Darth Vader. TreshersliderOfficial had made two Kashyyyk lightsabers via the lightsaber constitution section in "The Toy Store" in Downtown Disney on Dec 22nd 2006. Having met friends who joined Tresherslider's squad later at some point during the war. A short while later, Jack captured both Leia Organa and Solo, intent on ransoming the Rebel princess to the Alliance command. The cruiser was a bomb and it blew. However Jack felt he needed to comply with master Yoda so he got the last transport headed for Geonosis and was off  to war... 22 BBY, Jack was one of  first sent to Geonosis. As a gift Jack was gifted with a rife a Shadow Tech Rife. Jack goes on 100 million peace missions each year. Little by little they'd captured the umbaran bases. However, Solo and his Wookiee co-pilot fought through the pirates, and Solo got his hands on a blaster rifle. Subscribe. Jack was manning the guns of the Twilight bought time for Skywalker and saved him. However, Jolli, who had survived the encounter with the Falcon, turned on her captain for abandoning her after her craft had been disabled. Jack's blades were purple and blue. Tresherslider: While training on Kamino, in 28 BBY the clone template, Jango Fett drops in & watches Jack and his brothers who would later become his squad do the Citadel Challenge. Later he broke him out jail. Shortly after the Battle of Geonosis, Kamino now apart of the Republic, in order to supply troops. The New Republic was founded on the same premise that the old Galactic Republic was thousands of generations before—to have a representative parliamentary body govern the galaxy in a fair and equal manner—and it was designed to eradicate the shortcomings that brought about the Galactic Republic's downfall. His teacher was so impressed that TreshersliderOfficial's teacher inspired him to make it into a 12 part book series. Jolli, avoiding the same attack that felled her fellow pilots, plowed into the Falcon, disabling the freighter and forcing it to make repairs. The pair always seemed to be called to the same battles such as, the Battle of Umbara. By the time they got there, there was a small fleet of CIS ships. All Jack could was watch & get beat up. After bringing the Falcon back aboard his ship, Jack had his crew search the craft again. David wouldn't leave Jack's side til he awoke. ", Jack:"Leo cover our left Malik cover right & Rivershot cover the rear.". Fighting alongside Captain Rex, Jack has been in many battles with the 501st like the Battle of Umbara. Generals Skywaller and Plo, along with Commander Tano and Captain Tresherslider responded to the threat, by taking a Y-Wing bomber Squad "Shadow Squad." Jack let Solo leave with a tracer placed aboard his ship, hoping that he might be able to pull the same caper on Solo at a later time. David:"I want every unit to patrol for Captain Tresherslider. ", Davi, d handed Dheeb a briefcase full of credits. (David sensing Jack on a cruiser), David:"Never mind, I want a group of troops to come me and bring the reprogrammed battle droids. Solo forced his way away from Jack by kicking the pirate in the chest. He was a secret project by Lama Su. Tresherslider and friends during the battle of Umbara. However, even in the same comic, Jack appears with the blue coloring, and in all further appearances of Jack, the blue color scheme is used, even on the cover of Star Wars 15: Star Duel, leaving the source of the error in doubt. Then Jack recovered a holocron containing the main outposts on Geonosis the Republic attacked them and won the battle. Jack Tresheslider makes his appearance in Star Wars: Inside the Mind, a fan made book by TreshersliderOfficial. 7 Has been on since the game has lauched Starshooter/Treshe. CT-55/11-9009, nicknamed Jai'galaar or simply Jag, was one of the many clones of the Mandalorian bounty hunter Jango Fett. Jack shows a great support for democracy as shown when he joined the Galactic Senate. They captured him he was later shot by Dogma. General Skywalker's astromech droid, R2-D2 had led Skywalker and his team to the Skytop station. Animationfreaky- Star Wars The Clone Wars: Tribute! He later secretly married Senator Christina Williams, who was the second senator of Naboo. Lama Su sent 192,000 troops with master Yoda. a signed picture of Tresherslider in commando armor, Generals Kenobi and Skywaller arrive to save Organa, Jack's Gunship landing, shortly after the battle, General Skywallker briefs Shadow Squad on the attack, the men contact Jack just before their deaths, Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, Rex & Jack, Tresherslider wounded, after buying time for the Twi'leks, Tresherslider's gunships are shot down (left), The Republic engages the CIS in a space battle, Jack protects General Krell, even though Jack doesn't like him, The CIS supply ship being destroyed by Fives, Hardcase and Jesse, Tresherslider watches the new order being formed, Naboo Royal Cruiser (for Senate purposes only), Venator-class star destroyer (shadow company's fleet), Christina Williams Tresherslider, Girlfriend later wife. Upon receiving the news, Jabba was furious. When they arrived Ziro said he would kill Amidala, at that moment Fox and Shadow Company blasted the door to Ziro's main room. In the end, the droids were defeated and Shadow Company surrounded the fleeing Hutt, Fox, Shadow Company and Amidala capture Ziro. Due to the sudden shift of the war Shadow Company was sent to Ryloth. Jack Tresherslider made his first non-canon appearance in Star Wars: The Old Republic but his name is spelled as Jak Tresherslider. This … 20 BBY, the Separatist mounted an invasion of Cato Neimoidia,which—through the Trade Federation—was still part of the Republic, in spite of the Separatist ties. The pirates defeated a light resistance of stormtroopers, and the ship belonged to Crimson Jack. Grievous attack the clones,  the clones reponded by firing at the general. Tambor's fleet blockaded the planet. ", David's Droid 1:"Yes. [2] Jack's operation was successful enough that he was able to commission a Cindev series IV picket ship sometime before 6 BBY. "―Jack to his children. Where he took a Nantex-class territorial defense starfighter. [1], Crimson Jack with his orange hair and Jolli. The pirates were up to the challenge, and they shot down the starfighters and boarded the ship. But Organa's Camp was soon attacked by the CIS fleet. Organa was able to catch on to the deception, and she corroborated Solo's story, claiming that the treasury was in the Drexel system in order to discover the missing Skywalker.[7]. Their target was the bridge, but the men were slowly being shot down. As Jack lamented the loss of one of the best pirating operations in the galaxy, Solo appeared through the smoke of the wreckage. They had stolen a Neimoidian shuttle. The New Jedi Order was the restored and reformed Jedi organization, in the wake of the Great Jedi Purge and subsequent fall of the Galactic Empire. But Jack awoke bleeding and told R9 to continue the mission and told master Plo he would gladly die to save lives. He then constructed two lightsabers. But Vebb healed the wounds. Today Jack is the representative of Kamino. 22 BBY, the CIS invaded the crystal world of Christophsis. However, Organa refused to tell Jack the location of the Rebel base, knowing that Jack would also attempt to sell the information to the Galactic Empire. Bombing on Kamino, a year after the Battle of Kamino (Tipoca City assault) the CIS launched a bombing on Kamino. After the Clone Wars Tresherslider and team honored senator Bail Organa's wish by helping create the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Jack joined Jedi Kit Fisto & Nahdar Vebb to recapture Gunray. However, Jolli had been able to pilot her wrecked Y-wing back to the ship. Dartshooter before being killed by Vizsla. But before Tresherslider made it to the village Dartshooter was killed by Pre Vizsla. "We might a little late due to our moment.". 1 Change Note Required items. The New Republic was protected by the New Jedi Order, which established by Luke Skywalker, just as the Old Republic was once protected by the Old Jedi Order. AT-TE walkers land on the CIS command ship. When he met Ryloth refugees they were out of supplies Jack gave nearly all of his supplies to them. The Captain took Jack in as his new partner, and the two even lived together for a time. Shortly after Nute Gunray & and his agents released him from the Tranquility. Crimson Jack and his crew raid the Imperial ship to light resistance. ... Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge is wildly ambitious to begin with, primarily on a technical level. Dheeb wiped out a stolen lightsaber, to whom once belonged to Varad Zagg and said "Give me my ransom! ", David:"We'll use that shuttle over there as our cover. For a share of future profits, Jabba helped refit and recondition the Imperial cruiser. Buy Now Secure transaction. "I shot my brothers Jack thought." Jack has Participated in the following campaigns: Around 21 BBY Jack joined the famous 501st Legion. Although disappointed that he would be abandoning his first mate, Jack told Jolli that she would have to make it on her own—if she was good enough. Elite senate guards they acompany Jack on diplomatic missions such as the Alderaan conference on the Clone War refugee crisis. General Skywalker had led a squad of fighters, while Tano remained aboard the command ship.General Skywalker deployed AT-TE walkers under the command of Rex and Tresherslider to the asteroid belt. Jack secretly followed them to Florrum, using the T-6 Jedi shuttle. Star Wars 28: What Ever Happened to Jabba the Hut? Tresherslider before the battle of Sarrish. He featured as the primary villain in the next four comics until his death in Star Wars 15: Star Duel at the hands of Han Solo. After much debate, the Jedi council had sent Jedi master, Plo Koon and his apprentice, Jack Tresherslider to track down the weapon and find a way to destroy it. Suddenly  General Grievous walked though the door and engaged Tano in a duel to which Grievous was victorous. David and his team dropped their weapons. Who said that Death Watch had taken a Village Captive. Instead we joined the Rebels led by Bail Organa. Forcetammer:"THE LEGACY OF JACK TRESHERSLIDER ENDS HERE! 20 BBY, the Republic tracked the CIS to Vensensor sector. Dheeb said "Drop your weapons! Where he trained to become an ARC trooper.The final part of Jack's training was to take an exam to determine his final rank in the army. ", Leo: "Jack Jack! Type: Blueprint. But I feel like your the brothers I never had. As they left eight more Venator-class Star Destroyers jumped from hyperspace to cover David's escape. Jack and Tup were rewarded with great honor. [1], Jack made his way out into space and saw that Solo had brought a blaster pistol to the meeting. Stopping the sniper by sacrificing himself to save MJ pushing MJ out of range and hitting Jack. Captain Jacks Comics provides the best products in today's collectibles market. They had two sons, named Cody and Jace, who later became Jedi Knights. When C-3PO  came bursting though the doors and said Senator Amidala had captured by Ziro the Hutt. The troops had locked themselves inside, meanwhile General. However, Jack had also brought a weapon, and the two cautiously approached one another, keeping their blasters in their holsters. Forcetammer: "Your rage has unbalanced you that is not the Jedi way isn't it. There they discovered R3-S6 was a traitor in the end the Republic had won. The "New" Republic was supposed to be a sort of continuation of the original Galactic Republic that had become known as the Old Republic at that time. After the defeat at The Battle of the Colonies, Captain Jack and the survivors of the C.S.S Vengeance find themselves in the middle of a new war, this time it's bigger. Building a command center though one year of the Clone Wars. Hair color Wedding of Jack and Christina Tresherslider, Alliance to Restore the Republic/New Republic, Alderaan conference on the Clone War refugee crisis. e Jedi not against them. However, the collision also disabled Jolli's Y-wing, stranding her in space. General Skywalker and Commander Tano had led a squad of starfighters. [4] Around this time, Crimson Jack came into contact with the smuggler Han Solo, and both left the encounter with a grudge towards each other.[2]. After the second Death Star was destroyed & Emperor Palpatine was killed. Then he crashed it into Hardcell-class interstellar transport.Which later would used by the 501st as Checkpoint Alpha. The rest of Jack's crew became made up more or less Human pirates from a variety of star systems. During the attack on Kamino after losing contact with Commander Colt. When Jack saw "her" & the general Jack drew his double saber then a hash duel began between the three. 8 On Dec 21- Dec 22 2012, he got all the card commander ARC trooper armor, You get to help the JT decide what's next in Jack Treshersilder's saga. Jack was saved. The Princess had been on a mission to rescue the Rebel hero, Luke Skywalker, who was lost in the Drexel system. (that will be another story for the Rebellion Era), "I want you troopers to remember—we're shoulder-to-shoulder on those front lines. [1][4] However, he was also known to be very temperamental, letting his anger get the better of him when his plans went awry, even physically beating his own men when they gave him bad news. 11 NYC's "Popeye Show" - and maintained its course for the next 12 years with his warm smile, gentle wit and soft spoken demeanor. Soon after that Rex and Cody captured Slick and General Kenobi captured Whorm Loathsom, the Republic had won. The Republic was outgunned and outnumbered by a hundred to one. AT-TEs dropped from the cruiser he heard blaster shots. After taking  the Geonosian War Room Jack made his way to the hanger. the mines went off Krell & Jack went flying.The blast from the mines knock him out. David's fleet had fired at there hyperdrive, none of David's transports were ready. Like clone captain Rex, Jack thinks on feet, this was shown during the Battle of Umbara when the clones couldn't capture General Krell and Jack thought of a plan to catch him. The CIS fired their weapon, and the Republic cruisers were losing power. Then the door opened Leo shot the droids. Horrible news about the Jedi Temple was given, it had been bombed. Pirates of the Caribbean star Kevin McNally says it would be criminal for Disney to axe Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow. ", Grievous:"I am Grievous, warlord of the Kaleesh and Supreme Commander of the armies of the Confederacy. Tresherslider is a Force-sensitive clone trooper. [1] This carelessness for his own crew's welfare, extended even to his own first mate, Jolli, and his neglect to rescue the woman after her ship became disabled led to his own undoing when she turned against him for his betrayal. In color may denote that the CIS fleet Edge is wildly ambitious to begin with, primarily on a world! Quickly made their way to the Alliance to Restore the Republic/New Republic during... A beat being as the fleet breakers last time he went there they discovered R3-S6 was ruthless... Was being picked up the mess '' using his starfighter helped fight the beam. Pirating operation much more formidable in Order to supply troops hundred to one supply troops said the CIS sent pod... '' it 's Captain sir & one more thing the Med Lab look. 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