Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. But the God of the Bible, the Father of JesusChrist and the giver of the Holy Spirit… I share more. When our Lord became flesh, it was a full revelation of God’s nature — his mercy, grace, goodness and readiness to forgive. (Even when I was an Anglican, in those days, as now). Ultimate Guide: 50 BEST Christian Books Every Christian Should Read, The BEST Study Bible In 2021 (Ultimate Guide), The Best Books On Prayer Every Christian Should Read, Come To Me, All Who Are Weary: Good News For The Tired Soul, Can You Lose Your Salvation? We can see plenty of these examples within the Gospels and Acts. If so, let all just go to Rome, and the Papacy and the Chair of Peter! Once students understand this, it is like watching a light of revelation … There were many prophecies that did not come to pass – meaning, they were given as warnings of what would happen, contingent upon the people’s response (both Israel and the nations). ( Log Out /  In other words, Jesus himself is uniquely present whenever Christians gather in his name. Not to mention that we’ve got to deal with the scholarship of prophecy ex eventu, which basically attributes prophecy given “after the event.” Many have a problem with this perspective, but I’m ok with people speaking prophetically about what has already happened in the past, giving a God-perspective of why certain things have happened, rather than predicting the future. If so, in what way(s)? An Anglican Patrimony as Roman Catholics! Spirit descended on the disciples of Jesus in the form of fire that they began praising in tongues and experienced mass revelation. A couple examples would be found in places such as 1 Sam 10:10-13 and 1 Tim 1:18-19. As we encourage one another, we experience the presence of God in a particular, preserving way. Since God is love (1 John 4:8), to experience His presence is to experience His love. sinfulness of humanity, theatonement, etc...), however, it is argued thatGod's existence,transcendence, immanence,self-sufficiency, eternality,power, goodness, and hate for evilcan be comprehended … Question: should we actively seek to experience the presence of God on a daily basis? Therefore, since there are no more apostles today, we no longer need such attesting signs. The first part was done before the foundation of the world. What is the nature, extent, and value of that revelation and how does it compare with the knowledge we have of God through Christ and Scripture? Since the term theology (the study of God) is often used of the study of other biblical subjects like the Bible, angels, man, salvation, and so on, Theology Proper is the designat… Does everyone inherently know God? It’s like people who argue it’s not very freeing and trusting to make a monthly budget for your finances. His revelation in the Bible has two main messages, the law and the gospel. Of feelings. However, what can get easily leveled against continuationists, from the more cessationist camp, is the idea that such revelation would no longer be needed knowing we now have the completed revelation of God in Jesus Christ, which is, of course, summarized in the full canon of Scripture that now includes the New Testament. God does something special when we pray and sing and serve together. You gave me scripture to validate everything. So I think there is a balance. So I believe your concern here misses the reality of walking out our faith, whether one believes only in providential guidance or in both providential guidance & that God still speaks today. He’s there also. (Psal… Keep up the good my brother in Christ. But to LOVE. Every time we open the Bible, we are encountering the presence of God in a unique, powerful way. But he’s good.”. This principle of obedience is one that is often overlooked in receiving revelation, but we can’t expect God to give us what we ask of Him if we are not willing to give Him what he asks of us. I actually did that for about an hour, and then the next day at another worship session, a woman approached me and told me that she felt like God told her that I don’t have to try so hard to feel God. Now we are getting to the type of revelation we are talking about in step two of the eight steps to Experiencing His Victory. We are foolish to try to experience the presence of God elsewhere if we’re not consistently immersing ourselves in the word of God. You helped me to understand the presence of God. The name of the book, Revelation, is a translation of the title in the original New Testament Greek, Apocalypsis —the origin of the other name by which the book is now known, the Apocalypse. At times John witnessed multiple images and different perspectives of the same event. We can commune with God and experience his presence in the car, on the subway, in our cubicle, at small group, and anywhere else. Amen. Every second of every day, we truly are in the presence of God. And, so, to claim that God speaks today, reveals today, that prophecy still comes forth today, this does not hoist any threat upon God’s redemptive revelation summed up in his Messiah, Jesus, as testified to in the canon of Scripture. It seems to point to this approach: How do we really [empirically] prove everything? So let us be encouraged that our God speaks today (as it is true to his nature) and that we are called, as the body together, to seek him, to listen to him (through Scripture and the present-day work of the Spirit), and to even seek prophecy (1 Cor 14:1). The reverse of that quote is also true. Christ remains the final word on such. This was a really good read. One has to do with His eternal … This experience is often humbling and serves to reveal our own sinful natures. As an artist, it has been my experience that whenever I have taught drawing, I have to first teach people how to see. Now, the details are no doubt extremely important in the interaction between Jesus and the Samaritan woman – she is a Samaritan, a woman, the words about living water, the shift towards worship of our Father in spirit and truth rather than at a centralized building, and every other detail. – but God is still communicating and speaking today. It doesn’t happen just IN CHURCH, where elders and teachers are present to evaluate and approve of what is revealed. The sweet, holy presence of God is always available to us, and we don’t need to use any manipulative “revival” techniques to access it. The law declares what is right and wrong, and it threatens God’s punishment for sin. The same is true for us today. Has God made himself known only in the Bible and/or Jesus? And I believe the New Testament makes this quite clear. These revelations can come in various manners – prophecy, words of knowledge, words of wisdom, visions, dreams, etc. Interpretations . Depending on your background, that question may send you into a freak-out spiral or cause you to long for God in a deeper way. Generally speaking, we will not receive revelation that we are not willing to follow and we show our willingness to follow his revelations by obeying the commandments he has already … When does the series start? We are not just in the presence of God in the same way that the rest of creation is. No need to handle relics or offer prayers to the saints. Ezekiel’s experience differed from John’s experience.